We apply our steadfast vision together with our trading expertise and passion to add significant value to our clients by growing their wealth in the most intelligent way.

Envy Global Trading in Singapore


Founded in 2019, ENVY Global Trading is a commodity trading house with a strategic focus on industrial metals markets. We put our clients’ financial goals front and centre, with a focus on long-term, sustainable value generation. By investing our own assets substantially, we embody the interests of our clients every step of the way.
Global Trading Singapore with Envy Global Trading
Growth, Consistency, Ethics
These three values are our guiding pillars to express our mission to grow our clientele's wealth in a consistent, ethical manner. These values permeate our entire firm, from how we build our firm and hire people, to our trading strategy and operations. At ENVY, our focus is sustainable growth in a safe and systematic manner..
Growth, Consistency, Ethics

Trading Solutions

Trading Solutions

We marry our astute analysis of market trends & research and our commitment to excellence to serve and fulfill the unique financial needs and objectives of every client.

Proven Systematic
Growth Approach

Proven Systematic
Growth Approach

Fuelled by passion and motivated by success in the industrial metals markets, we have formulated our own strategic and proven trading strategies to mitigate risks and maximise returns.

Highly Committed
& Competent Team

Highly Committed
& Competent Team

With a total combined 50 years of investing and managing trading portfolios, our competent team is highly dedicated and driven to the success of each investment. Leave the groundwork to us: we sow and you enjoy the harvest.

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