Investment Risk Management

Aside from the mentioned, portfolio performance data quoted represents past performance. Past performance does not guarantee future results. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted. This material in this site is not for distribution and should not be relied upon by any other persons. All financial investments involve an element of risk. Therefore, the value of your investment and the income from it will vary and our initial investment amount cannot be guaranteed
Credit Risks
Investment in the strategy is subject to the credit risk of Envy Global Trading Pte Ltd. An investor will need to perform his or her due diligence before agreeing to the terms and conditions of the portfolio as well as investing.
Liquidity Risk
When a derivative is used as a hedge against a position that the Fund holds, any loss generated by the derivative generally should be substantially offset by There is no liquidity nor secondary market during the tenor of certain trades. Any unwinding will be on best-effort-basis. There may be a penalty in the event of an unwind before maturity.
Risk of default in payment
by buyers of industrial metals 
Hedging Positions taken through outsourcing covers majority of the downside losses due to significant drop in market prices during certain trades. There might be a chance the buyer will default on the contract.
Counterparty Risk
Envy Global Trading employs derivatives as part of their hedging strategies. The derivatives can be traded via Over-The-Counter (OTC) with counterparties (primarily investment banks). Therefore, Envy is exposed to counterparty risk if the counterparty fails to fulfil its obligations.
Disclaimer Policy
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